If you are facing any kind of problem and want to know about good and bad time in your life so that you could take cautious step at the time when is not in your favor,and make bold step at the time of good period running on
I am surprised people make us call and visit astrologer once they are in sad period ,they never care about their future in good period if you do some remedies before sad time you will not in miserable condition once bad period will start.
People think astrology is nothing and feel like its used by astrologer’s/Pandits to make fool but actually its science based on Planets Calculation ,Planets play a major roll in our life never underestimate power of planets .
Now comes i saw people do not know what should they do they start to make google/You tube to find out solutions by them selves .Kindly do not do this it makes your path more tough once you do not know to whom you have to pray and what remedies you should follow yo make pain less of malefic planet ..
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