We are in range of 11880 to 12283 till the time being we break this range …Yesterday we got resistance near about numbers we shared ….
People who are interested in our gann course can mail us (ganntricks@gmail.com) for book your slot in coming weekend some time we miss mail due to busy or other reason so those do not get rever can send a reminder after 3 days before 3 days please wait for our revert.
We also talk about we are bias bit to negative side in coming days due to some cycles are going to complete and also planetary positions too also talk about we should have different approach in positional views and day views thats key of success in any market …as talk about big cycles so big cycles (takes a time to roll out) are also what i am talking here about day view/positional view…

Today there are two important time of day:-9:30 am and 2.45 to 2.50 PM always adjust 5 min time above/below of time mentioned however 90% things will happened on this time accuracy of time mentioned you might notice is more than 90% …
Planetary Position:-Today as per position of planets and lord day says huge volatile and traders will be confused market will show sharp movement so in this case trade carefully and on levels only also moon is making aspects with Rahu which is not good sign so be careful about your positions as much as..Today range of nifty 12120 to 12283 and also important points will be 12150 and 12215 around to keep watch and trade here once market sustained on these point above/below on 15 min chart…
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