We are trading now in range of 12380 to 12046 …and again i am repeating we are very close to swing top so be careful towards long side and keep watch action your own set up for reversal ….some big cycle are getting completing so in coming days we can see huge up and down in market due to those things…
Today we are getting some aspects in between MARS ,SUN and Saturn so careful watch Dow today …

Planetary Position:-We already talk about aspects in between planets ..Today Moon position is ok and Jupiter(sag/pis) ascendant be careful while trade for day…Planetary position of day market will be bit confusing side ..traders will not be able to understand whether go long or short side ..Today important level to keep watch 12340 and 12380 on upper side and we must watch 12284 is point of deciding direction of day below here we have good support around 12235 and 12180..thanks a lot we are getting a lot of mails/comments about our day view and info we share on various platform…
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